I'm almost half way through my third pregnancy and I'm almost ready to give up on maternity fashion. Gaaaah! Seriously, no fun. Now, a big part of this, for me, is because I live in Switzerland. I haven't talked much about Switzerland yet... so let me kick off but telling you that shopping in Switzerland is useless. 'Shopping' comes a close second behind 'family ties' on my list of reasons to move back to the UK. That may sound ridiculous to some but trust me... try shopping in Switzerland and get back to me! I digress. I will revisit all things Swiss related {brace yourselves!} another day. So, as I was saying, maternity fashion...

At home, I live in cropped leggings {hmmmmm...  please don't judge me, I need comfort!} and a top of some description. Should we go outdoors, I can do a swift change into a pair of jeans and be gone.

My maternity wardrobe is a collection of under the bump jeans, all with varying levels of good and bad! Also lurking in a drawer are two pairs of pretty dodgy maternity jeggings that I'm not happy with. I need to flog them or give them away. Every time I look at them, I cringe. Both are over the bump which really isn't my thing. I've got a lovely navy dress that I really like. I picked it up from a Dorothy Perkin's sale for £15 so it's a bargain hit! To top off my woeful collection there is a series of basics tops in white, navy and black. Very uninspiring.

This pregnancy will take me into the summer {due date 10 June} so come April, things will be hotting up here in Switzerland and jeans will probably be out the window anyways. I'm loathed to buy much more but another dress {or two!} should see me though. I'm using what I've got to it's best and trying to work on accessorising. I'm not big on accessorisies. Don't get me wrong, I love me some gorgeous accessories, I just forget to use them and when I do they are hauled and pulled at by the tots.

My mum got me a great pair of straight leg from Mamas & Papas for Christmas that are my favourite go to. They are the closest to perfect that I have found. I'm exitedly awaiting the arrival of this dress from Jojo Maman Bebe from my sister-in-law. Should be another great summer staple. Fingers and toes crossed.

Mamas & Papas Straight Leg Jeans :: Jojo Maman Bebe Black Linen Dress
If you're on your first pregnancy, please learn from my mistakes... the main thing I have learned is that most maternity wear comes up quite big. I've made the so many mistakes buying my normal size or even going a size up. You'd think I'd have learned sooner but pregnancy number three and I've finally realised I need to go a size down. Shop around and try lots of different style on. Top tip :: when your bump is big, your bum looks small{er}!

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